
Printmaking and illustration


Some of my artwork seems inspired by scientific research: a paper installation comprised of hundreds of snapshots of a Moon-forming event, using N-body simulation data and suspended by threads; a digitally-manipulated photograph during a trip to Siding Spring Observatory, which I etched into rubber using a laser cutter; and a monoprint, made with that laser-etched sheet.

But the distinction between art and astronomy is arbitrary*. A construct that is "understood" and taken for granted due to our existing in a certain time and space. To explain how they both share many aspects (e.g. creativity, questioning, and making meaning) would be to uphold the distinction, through maintaining a separation that enables a "sharing" to be had.

*The 'Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge' puts it better:

Benevolent knowledge?

See also: 'On Rational, Scientific, Objective Viewpoints from Mythical, Imaginary, Impossible Standpoints', Chapter 3 of Data Feminism, C. D'Ignazio & L. Klein (2020).